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Dorothy's Herb Shop

Chakra Loose Leaf Infusions

Chakra Loose Leaf Infusions

Regular price $15.00 USD
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Root Chakra

A harmonious blend crafted to foster a deep sense of grounding and connection to the earth's elemental energy. Immerse yourself in a rich infusion carefully curated to resonate with the essence of the root chakra, promoting balance and stability in your spiritual journey.

Brew a cup of this thoughtfully blended tea and let the comforting warmth envelop you, guiding you towards a profound connection with the foundational energies of the root chakra. As you sip, take a moment to reflect and repeat our accompanying affirmation: "I am grounded, rooted, and secure in the embrace of the earth's energy."

Discover the transformative power of our Root Chakra Tea Infusion, where every sip becomes a sacred ritual to align your spirit with the nurturing essence of the earth, promoting a sense of stability and well-being. Embrace the journey to grounded serenity with each flavorful and affirming cup.

Sacral Chakra 

Immerse yourself in the rich symphony of herbs and botanicals carefully chosen to align with the essence of the sacral chakra. With each sip, experience the gentle encouragement of energy flow, fostering a deep sense of relaxation within. Our infusion is designed not just to tantalize your taste buds but to elevate your well-being on a holistic level. "I am a vessel of serene energy, embracing the gentle flow of life and finding relaxation in every moment."

Embrace the ritual of sipping this purposeful blend while affirming the positive energy within. Let each cup be a moment of affirmation, allowing the revitalizing properties of the tea to harmonize with your sacral chakra, promoting a serene state of being. Elevate your tea-drinking experience with our Sacral Chakra Tea Infusion, where relaxation and flow become a delightful ritual.

Solar Plexus

Savor the infusion's harmonious mix of herbs and botanicals, precisely chosen to align with the essence of the solar plexus chakra. With every sip, immerse yourself in a journey of self-discovery, as the tea encourages the blossoming of personal power and a heightened sense of self-esteem.

As you indulge in the vibrant flavors, let the accompanying affirmation be your daily mantra: "I am a beacon of personal power and self-worth; in the flow of life, I am confident, purposeful, and radiate strength." Elevate your tea ritual with our Solar Plexus Tea Infusion, where the fusion of flavor and purpose leads to a confident and empowered you.

Heart Chakra

Welcome to our Heart Chakra Tea Infusion, a soulful blend carefully crafted to infuse your being with the pure, transformative energy of love, fostering a deep sense of compassion and forgiveness.

Indulge in the exquisite blend of herbs and botanicals, meticulously chosen to resonate with the essence of the heart chakra. With each sip, allow the infusion to open your heart to a flood of love, cultivating feelings of compassion and the liberating power of forgiveness.

The daily affirmation that accompanies this heartwarming blend: "My heart is a vessel of boundless love; I radiate compassion, forgive easily, and embrace a life filled with love." Elevate your tea-drinking experience with our Heart Chakra Tea Infusion, where each cup is a journey toward a heart-centered, love-filled existence.

Throat Chakra

Introducing our Throat Chakra Tea Infusion, a sublime blend meticulously crafted to enhance your ability to express yourself openly and embrace active listening—an elixir designed to empower your communication journey.

Savor the delicate combination of herbs and botanicals selected to resonate with the essence of the throat chakra, creating a harmonious symphony of flavors that align with your expressive spirit. With each sip, feel the transformative energy encouraging you to communicate with confidence and authenticity.

Accompanying this infusion is a daily affirmation: "I am a clear and open channel of communication; I express myself with ease and listen attentively, fostering understanding and connection." Elevate your tea-drinking experience with our Throat Chakra Tea Infusion, where the fusion of taste and purpose facilitates a journey towards confident and harmonious self-expression.

Third Eye 

Immerse yourself in the harmonious fusion of herbs and botanicals carefully chosen to resonate with the essence of the third eye chakra, guiding you towards a heightened state of awareness. With every sip, experience the transformative power of this infusion as it opens the gateway to your intuitive abilities and inner knowing.

As you embark on this sensory journey, embrace the accompanying affirmation: "My third eye is a beacon of intuition and inner wisdom; I trust my instincts, and my inner knowing guides me on the path of enlightenment." Elevate your tea ritual with our Third Eye Chakra Herbal Tea, where each cup becomes a portal to heightened intuition and profound inner wisdom.

Crown Chakra

Our Crown Chakra Infusion, a celestial blend meticulously crafted to facilitate a profound connection with the divine, your highest self, and the oneness of the universe.

Delight in the exquisite combination of herbs and botanicals chosen to resonate with the essence of the crown chakra, guiding you on a journey towards spiritual enlightenment and unity. With each sip, experience the transformative power of this infusion as it opens channels to the divine, inviting a sense of harmony and connection with the cosmos.

Let the accompanying affirmation be your guiding light: "I am in tune with the divine, connected to my highest self, and a harmonious part of the universe's oneness." Elevate your tea-drinking experience with our Crown Chakra Infusion, where each cup becomes a sacred moment of connection with the divine and a celebration of spiritual unity.

Tea Type 

Organic Loose Leaf Herbs

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